Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Perseverance is trying hard to reach a goal and not giving up no matter what. My perseverance story is when I lived with my dad. My dad is a very cruel man and so is my step mom every day they would yell at me and call me names. They would tell me that I am a faggot and that I'm stupid and worthless. I did cut because of what they said and I tried to commit suicide but my real mom is the one that saved me. She told me that one day she would take me away from my dad. She saved up enough money to take my dad to court and she won. Now I hardly see my dad. The way I persevered in this situation is my life sucked and as bad as I wanted to end it I knew my mom was going to save me. I worked hard at trying to see the bright side.  Examples of perseverance? The little engine that could, Willy coyote, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. Marie Curie's quote on perseverance is really truthful "Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained."
Here are some images that I think represent perseverance well! Enjoy!