Thursday, December 6, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles

Q: Have you ever had to overcome an obstacle? did you have to sacrifice something to get through the obstacle?

A: I feel like I personally have overcome many obstacles in my life and I've always tried to keep a smile on my face while doing it. One of the big things I think I've overcome is coming out to my dad. It just happened recently and it was extremely hard. The thing that was the hardest for me was that fact that my dad and I never talk anymore so I had no clue how he was going to react. I can't say that I had to sacrifice anything. I do know that I did have cultural or religious beliefs to push past. As you probably know Christians don't believe in "gay" people (I know some of them don't). So with that in the way it was really hard to know how my dad was going to react. I can safely say though that he didn't care. He said I was still his daughter and he loved me. So it wasn't one of the worst obstacles but it was a meaningful one.

*Note: Sacrifice to me means giving up something really important for something even better.

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