Tuesday, September 17, 2013

OK I May Have Lied/ Problems

Yeah I lied. It's true. I'm going to post more than once a week. Probably twice a week or more (definitely more).

  Problems are difficult to handle. Really difficult.. Unless it's a small problem but it is still a problem. That NEEDS to be handle. You should never EVER let a problem just swim away and stay a problem. You need to work it out. Whether it's a fight with a friend or parent. Whether it's a relationship problem or an identity problem. ALL problems need to be handled. 

Try these:
- Sit down and talk to them: Nothing works better than sitting down and discussing the issue ALONE. There should not be anyone else there except for you and the person who you are having the problem with.

- Apologize: I know you don't think anything is your fault in the situation but more times than not it is a tad bit your fault. So just apologize and it might urge them to apologize too.

- Be patient: It may just take time for that person to get over the fight or problem. You must be patient and you must NEVER freak out. You apologized, that's all you can do. The rest is up to them. 

P.S. Don't be afraid to leave questions in the comments :) I'll help in anyway that I can. I love you, Don't leave this world OK?

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