Monday, September 24, 2012

One of Those Happy Memories

My favorite memory would have to be the nights that I Skyped with my best friend Jackson Chandler. I would open up my memory bottle everyday. He lives in California so we can't really hangout. It was towards the end of summer and I was working on my summer assignments. Him and I had been Skyping for a couple weeks every night. It toke me about two weeks to complete my summer assignments. Every single one of those nights we Skyped for like 5 hours. The cool thing was that half of the time we didn't even have to talk we just enjoyed each others company. The funny thing is we would leave to eat or go somewhere and we would just leave the webcam on. My favorite night out of those would be the night he was playing guitar and then he did this.

Every time that I went to uncork that bottle and the flood of memories rushed back I would smile. I would remember the laughs and smiles and nice moments. I would hold hope that one day we could do it again. Every time I talk to him I smile and he just makes my day. He is really one of my best friends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Those Gosh Darn Derivatives

Could you define the word Derivative?
      Well, I can paint a picture for you.

For my English assignment I must show you (the people) what a derivative is. so I shall write 5 sentences and use derivatives in each.

1. I was having qualms about asking him out because I knew he would say no.
2. I dubiously awaited for the answer of my long loved crush.
3. It was unequivocal that there was no chance with him.
4. I started walking along the precariously place ledge slowly.
5. It was a tentative plan, that failed.

In case you didn't know.  

Qualm- A sense of doubt.
Dubious- Doubtful.
Unequivocal- Perfectly clear.
Precarious- Dangerous.
Tentative- Not fully worked out.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

Animal Hat Season

It's that season again. Do you smell it? The smell of the brisk cold air whipping against your face. My nose is freezing as I stand outside waiting for the bell to ring. I cuddle up to my jacket and smile because it feels so nice to not be dying of heat stroke. Autumn is here and winter is on it's way and I am so excited.

Friday, September 14, 2012

ABC'S Inspiration

As you have probably guessed I am all about being myself and I try to inspire people and let them know that they are not alone. My ABC'S explain and encourage everyone to follow your dreams and inspire people. Enjoy! :D 

A- Attempt to win everything.
B- Be Yourself.
C- Care not of what others think.
D- Dare to dream.
E- Effect others in an amazing way.
F- Forget the haters!
G- Go all the way in everything you do.
H- Hate not, for hating has no win in the end.
I- Inspire a generation.
J- Jump to the music.
K- Kick down doubts.
L- Laugh until tears spill out.
M- Mime yourself, no one else.
N- Never EVER give up!
O- Our situation wont last forever.
P- Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
Q- Quit? That word doesn't exist.
R- Resist bad decisions.
S- Smile for every happy memory(:.
T- Trust the trustworthy.
U- Unicorns exist if you want them too.
V- Vacations happen every time you close your eyes.
W- Walk through the tears, they are always temporary look at the positive outlook of the future.
X- X-ray's don't tell people who you are.
Y- You are your own influence.
Z- Zip line through insults.
Now you know what you must have to do. To be yourself and find true happiness. Always remember follow your dreams and always try to inspire people to be themselves and follow their dreams.