My favorite memory would have to be the nights that I Skyped with my best friend Jackson Chandler. I would open up my memory bottle everyday. He lives in California so we can't really hangout. It was towards the end of summer and I was working on my summer assignments. Him and I had been Skyping for a couple weeks every night. It toke me about two weeks to complete my summer assignments. Every single one of those nights we Skyped for like 5 hours. The cool thing was that half of the time we didn't even have to talk we just enjoyed each others company. The funny thing is we would leave to eat or go somewhere and we would just leave the webcam on. My favorite night out of those would be the night he was playing guitar and then he did this.

Every time that I went to uncork that bottle and the flood of memories rushed back I would smile. I would remember the laughs and smiles and nice moments. I would hold hope that one day we could do it again. Every time I talk to him I smile and he just makes my day. He is really one of my best friends.
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