Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Those Gosh Darn Derivatives

Could you define the word Derivative?
      Well, I can paint a picture for you.

For my English assignment I must show you (the people) what a derivative is. so I shall write 5 sentences and use derivatives in each.

1. I was having qualms about asking him out because I knew he would say no.
2. I dubiously awaited for the answer of my long loved crush.
3. It was unequivocal that there was no chance with him.
4. I started walking along the precariously place ledge slowly.
5. It was a tentative plan, that failed.

In case you didn't know.  

Qualm- A sense of doubt.
Dubious- Doubtful.
Unequivocal- Perfectly clear.
Precarious- Dangerous.
Tentative- Not fully worked out.  

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