Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Delicate Skin

"You are beautiful no matter what they say.. Words can't bring you down..." - Christina Aguilera

I know this is a cheesy song lyric by an artist you may not like. I'll be honest, I am not to crazy about her either, but she has helped me. I have been where you are. I have felt exactly what you felt and don't you even dare try to tell me different. I have laid on the floor of my bedroom shaking, crying, not breathing because every breath I toke just shot all of my pain to the surface again. I've sat in my room with the music blasted and the door shut, I've clawed at my skin with razor blades, scissors, pens, paperclips, and anything else I could get my hands on. I have heard the oh so desperate cries of my skin breaking apart and the red liquid flowing out in its place. My delicate skin has screamed to be healed and cared for just like yours'.  

"I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're Beautiful.." - Pierce The Veil

You have overcome the pain and the heartache. You've overcome the depression and the agony of walking this earth. You are alive, you have made it. But now you have these scars, and you should never look at these scars as a mistake or something that makes you less beautiful. These scars represent your hard life, the hard life that you made it out of. You should carry these scars around as a trophy, a symbol of your strength. 

P.S. Darling, if you have been going through a hard time and have been forcing yourself not to self-harm. Don't give in. Be stronger than I was. Keep that oh so delicate skin pure.

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