Sunday, October 28, 2012

That 1st Time

My stomach is turning as I walk up to the van. I open the passenger door to see Mrs. Wine’s smiling face. My nervousness relaxes but only for a minute. Okay, everyone is in the van we are ready to go... Oh no... We are moving, that means its time. It’s time to talk; it’s time to present my speech in front of complete strangers. I try to sooth myself repeating to myself. “Cassidy it will be fine. You will do great. There is no pressure.” But it doesn’t help my nervous. Okay we are ten minutes away I take out my speech. My hands are shaking as I try to read over it. It’s not helping, I reach in my bag. No chap stick. Great, my lips are screaming. Oh crap! I didn’t pack water either. I'm thirsty and my lips are chapped. This is that start to a very bad day... and to make matter worse I start to see Glen Oak high school... I think to myself it’s time. I hear Mrs. Wines say “okay guys were here.” I said "no, I’ll stay here you guys go." She laughed but what she didn’t know was I was very serious. I’ll admit there was maybe 10% of excitement for my first tournament but the rest was completely nerves. I hesitantly get out then I think maybe humor will relieve my tensions. So I make a joke and everyone laughs I feel better, but again only for a minute. I walk into the doors of Glen Oak high school and I remember something Asia said. No matter how scared you are. Look like you know what you’re doing. So I did, I walked into the cafeteria and put on my “I know what I’m doing” face. For the next 20 minutes I practiced and warmed up. Then the next thing you know I hear “Okay let's start our tournament." I froze... I muster up the courage after a pep talk from my coach. I walk down the hall with Chelsea and Mrs.Wines, I find my room and Mrs.Wines hugs me and says "you'll do great." I'm shaking as the judge and other speakers approach. I take a breath and walk in. I'm fourth to go and it seems like only minutes went by before my number was called. I walk up with my papers in my hand. I'm shaking like crazy and then I breath. "good evening and let me express.." the words are rolling off my tongue and as they are I look at the faces of the other kids. Other beginners and they understood my words. I saw them nodding their head and agreeing with what I was saying. When I was done other speakers applauded, and I finally exhaled.

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