Thursday, October 18, 2012

That 8 Legged Fear

I run down the steps to get a box and I freeze. There he is, his beady eyes staring right at me, dangling from his web, he looks like he is hungry, and I'm scared. My fear is spiders. Those eight legged creatures with a million eyes and pumped full of venom. My fear is rational. My fear is very very rational. Spiders are poisonous, they can lay eggs in your ears or brain. They can crawl into your mouth while you're sleeping. Did you know that you're never more than 5 feet away from a spider and that in your lifetime you will ingest AT LEAST 8 spiders. When I see a spider I freeze and muster up the courage to run as fast as I can the opposite direction. The scariest thing about spiders is that they are so small. Sometimes you cant even tell if a spider is near you because of their size. The most deadliest spider in the world is a Black Widow and the tallest it gets is 1.5 inches. I can not even look at a picture of a spider without wanting to cry from fear. I will never even look at a spider unless its in a cage and even then. As soon as it moves. I freak out.


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