Q: Have you ever had to overcome an obstacle? did you have to sacrifice something to get through the obstacle?
A: I feel like I personally have overcome many obstacles in my life and I've always tried to keep a smile on my face while doing it. One of the big things I think I've overcome is coming out to my dad. It just happened recently and it was extremely hard. The thing that was the hardest for me was that fact that my dad and I never talk anymore so I had no clue how he was going to react. I can't say that I had to sacrifice anything. I do know that I did have cultural or religious beliefs to push past. As you probably know Christians don't believe in "gay" people (I know some of them don't). So with that in the way it was really hard to know how my dad was going to react. I can safely say though that he didn't care. He said I was still his daughter and he loved me. So it wasn't one of the worst obstacles but it was a meaningful one.
*Note: Sacrifice to me means giving up something really important for something even better.
I believe in being yourself. No matter who ends up hating you in the end. You should always be who you are no matter what. You can't let other people put you down. Don't be scared to dress the way you like or listen to the music you love and maybe nobody else does. I believe that if you are yourself and you follow your dreams you will inspire the people of other generations to do the same.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Perseverance is trying hard to reach a goal and not giving up no matter what. My perseverance story is when I lived with my dad. My dad is a very cruel man and so is my step mom every day they would yell at me and call me names. They would tell me that I am a faggot and that I'm stupid and worthless. I did cut because of what they said and I tried to commit suicide but my real mom is the one that saved me. She told me that one day she would take me away from my dad. She saved up enough money to take my dad to court and she won. Now I hardly see my dad. The way I persevered in this situation is my life sucked and as bad as I wanted to end it I knew my mom was going to save me. I worked hard at trying to see the bright side. Examples of perseverance? The little engine that could, Willy coyote, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. Marie Curie's quote on perseverance is really truthful "Life
is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance
and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are
gifted for something and that this thing must be attained."
Here are some images that I think represent perseverance well! Enjoy!
Monday, October 29, 2012
To Cheat Or Not To Cheat?
The first thing you can do about cheating in the schools is make sure there are good teachers who will actually teach the class and not just make them read a bunch of stuff in a book. The teachers need to spend more time with some of the kids that they know are struggling because nobody cheats on every assignment. So the teachers need to get a little bit more one on one with those struggling kids. The first time a child cheats you shouldn't give them a detention you should try and help them with whatever it is they are troubled with. If they do it a second time then they should get a detention etc. I think constant cheating should be dealt with and I think struggling kids should get some more academic attention.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
That 1st Time
My stomach is turning
as I walk up to the van. I open the passenger door to see Mrs. Wine’s smiling
face. My nervousness relaxes but only for a minute. Okay, everyone is in the
van we are ready to go... Oh no... We are moving, that means its time. It’s
time to talk; it’s time to present my speech in front of complete strangers. I
try to sooth myself repeating to myself. “Cassidy it will be fine. You will do
great. There is no pressure.” But it doesn’t help my nervous. Okay we are ten
minutes away I take out my speech. My hands are shaking as I try to read over
it. It’s not helping, I reach in my bag. No chap stick. Great, my lips are
screaming. Oh crap! I didn’t pack water either. I'm thirsty and my lips are
chapped. This is that start to a very bad day... and to make matter worse I
start to see Glen Oak high school... I think to myself it’s time. I hear Mrs.
Wines say “okay guys were here.” I said "no, I’ll stay here you guys go." She
laughed but what she didn’t know was I was very serious. I’ll admit there was
maybe 10% of excitement for my first tournament but the rest was completely
nerves. I hesitantly get out then I think maybe humor will relieve my tensions.
So I make a joke and everyone laughs I feel better, but again only for a
minute. I walk into the doors of Glen Oak high school and I remember something
Asia said. No matter how scared you are. Look like you know what you’re doing.
So I did, I walked into the cafeteria and put on my “I know what I’m doing”
face. For the next 20 minutes I practiced and warmed up. Then the next thing
you know I hear “Okay let's start our tournament." I froze... I muster up the courage after a pep talk from my coach. I walk down the hall with Chelsea and Mrs.Wines, I find my room and Mrs.Wines hugs me and says "you'll do great." I'm shaking as the judge and other speakers approach. I take a breath and walk in. I'm fourth to go and it seems like only minutes went by before my number was called. I walk up with my papers in my hand. I'm shaking like crazy and then I breath. "good evening and let me express.." the words are rolling off my tongue and as they are I look at the faces of the other kids. Other beginners and they understood my words. I saw them nodding their head and agreeing with what I was saying. When I was done other speakers applauded, and I finally exhaled.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
That 8 Legged Fear
I run down the steps to get a box and I freeze. There he is, his beady eyes staring right at me, dangling from his web, he looks like he is hungry, and I'm scared. My fear is spiders. Those eight legged creatures with a million eyes and pumped full of venom. My fear is rational. My fear is very very rational. Spiders are poisonous, they can lay eggs in your ears or brain. They can crawl into your mouth while you're sleeping. Did you know that you're never more than 5 feet away from a spider and that in your lifetime you will ingest AT LEAST 8 spiders. When I see a spider I freeze and muster up the courage to run as fast as I can the opposite direction. The scariest thing about spiders is that they are so small. Sometimes you cant even tell if a spider is near you because of their size. The most deadliest spider in the world is a Black Widow and the tallest it gets is 1.5 inches. I can not even look at a picture of a spider without wanting to cry from fear. I will never even look at a spider unless its in a cage and even then. As soon as it moves. I freak out.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Laughing xD
What or who makes me laugh? Hmmm....Funny pictures make me laugh. My best friends make me laugh when they make funny faces. they make me laugh when they talk in deep voices. Erin makes me laughing when she tries to scream or when she fails to jump off a bed or act like someone. Jackson makes me laughing when he concentrates really hard on the T.V. and he gets this really funny face. My mom makes me laugh when I'm sad by telling jokes or saying something funny about some actor on a movie. I always try to laugh because when you laugh your day gets better.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
I'm a leaf
Hi, I am a leaf. My name is Cassidy. As you probably already know fall is only a few weeks away. ONLY A FEW WEEKS AWAY?!?!?! Can you believe it? I don't want to fall! I don't want to crash to the ground, be raked up and then have little kids crush me! I've heard the stories I'm not stupid... If I don't get crushed then I'll just lay on the ground and freeze to death! I might even be ran over by a lawn mower! I don't want to die! There are so many things I haven't done yet. I haven't even gone to my first leaf prom! Or gotten my first leaf kiss.. This is horrible. Why does fall have to come? I hope I'm the last leaf to fall... Even though I don't like Fall a lot there are somethings that I do like. I love the smell I get in the fall and I love the wind. It makes me feel like I'm flying. My leaf mom told me that it's the circle of life. That we all have to fall. I guess I understand but I still don't want to fall..
Monday, September 24, 2012
One of Those Happy Memories
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Those Gosh Darn Derivatives
Could you define the word Derivative?
Well, I can paint a picture for you.
For my English assignment I must show you (the people) what a derivative is. so I shall write 5 sentences and use derivatives in each.
1. I was having qualms about asking him out because I knew he would say no.
2. I dubiously awaited for the answer of my long loved crush.
3. It was unequivocal that there was no chance with him.
4. I started walking along the precariously place ledge slowly.
5. It was a tentative plan, that failed.
In case you didn't know.
Qualm- A sense of doubt.
Dubious- Doubtful.
Unequivocal- Perfectly clear.
Precarious- Dangerous.
Tentative- Not fully worked out.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Animal Hat Season
It's that season again. Do you smell it? The smell of the brisk cold air whipping against your face. My nose is freezing as I stand outside waiting for the bell to ring. I cuddle up to my jacket and smile because it feels so nice to not be dying of heat stroke. Autumn is here and winter is on it's way and I am so excited.
Friday, September 14, 2012
ABC'S Inspiration
As you have probably guessed I am all about being myself and I try to inspire people and let them know that they are not alone. My ABC'S explain and encourage everyone to follow your dreams and inspire people. Enjoy! :D
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Inspire. |
A- Attempt to win everything.
B- Be Yourself.
C- Care not of what others think.
D- Dare to dream.
E- Effect others in an amazing way.
F- Forget the haters!
G- Go all the way in everything you do.
H- Hate not, for hating has no win in the end.
I- Inspire a generation.
J- Jump to the music.
K- Kick down doubts.
L- Laugh until tears spill out.
M- Mime yourself, no one else.
N- Never EVER give up!
O- Our situation wont last forever.
P- Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best.
Q- Quit? That word doesn't exist.
R- Resist bad decisions.
S- Smile for every happy memory(:.
T- Trust the trustworthy.
U- Unicorns exist if you want them too.
V- Vacations happen every time you close your eyes.
W- Walk through the tears, they are always temporary look at the positive outlook of the future.
X- X-ray's don't tell people who you are.
Y- You are your own influence.
Z- Zip line through insults.
Now you know what you must have to do. To be yourself and find true happiness. Always remember follow your dreams and always try to inspire people to be themselves and follow their dreams.
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